Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Melatonin Canada Has Proven Over the Counter Sleeping Pills

If you're just one of the millions Canadians who have a hard time sleeping at night you should consider taking melatonin for sleep. But there are some things you really should know about the melatonin pills for a sleep aid before you just rush out and grab some for yourself. Melatonin Canada can help set you on the right path for a better sleep and much more if you follow the guidelines we have provided for you here.

What is Melatonin For Sleep?

Melatonin is very effective at tricking your body into thinking it's night time by changing your internal clock!

Melatonin is a non-addicting hormone that our body produces naturally in the pineal (pih-knee-uhl) gland to help us sleep, so you will find it in many all natural sleeping pills or other types of sleep aid supplements or liquids. There are literally millions of Canadians taking these type of pills to help them finally get a good night’s sleep or to prevent any difficulties they may have falling asleep or any type of sleep disorders. People feel safer taking an all natural solution for seep issues rather then the prescription medication provided by a doctor because they are worried about side effects, and they should be.

Your body produces it naturally in the brain and it triggers the body into sleep mode. This makes melatonin a very powerful hormone that follows
the exact same serotonin pathway which is know to improve mood. In fact if the wrong dosage of melatonin is taken, for example, you take too much, then it can cause irritability and counter act the happy hormonal effects of the serotonin.

Do we really need it? Watch below, a video fro Dr. Theresa Ramsy!

What is the Proper Melatonin Dosage?

Melatonin Canada will help you get the right information. 

So the quick answer is, taking 1 mg a day can elevate your natural melatonin levels from between 1 to 20 times more that your natural levels would be.

Many Canadians don't realize that if you don't know what dosage or when to take them properly you could run into problems or have the opposite effects. More is NOT always better and lead to a disruption of your sleep cycle or cause headaches, nausea or dizziness.

There are a few options for people to take this sleeping aid as some people have troubles taking supplements so they come as pills, tablets, or in liquid form to help suit everyone and it can be easy to take the wrong dosage. There is even a transdermal patch that you can place anywhere on your skin if this method is easier for some to help control the proper dosage. 

For melatonin pills to be useful, the right dosage, method and time of day it is taken need to be appropriate to provide help sleeping. Taking it at the "incorrect" time of day might reset your biological clock and the reverse effects may occur. 

Currently there is synthetic or artificial melatonin being manufactured in conditions that are not controlled by the FDA since it is not classified as a drug. This mean that what you read on the internet may not be 100% accurate, meaning the suggested melatonin dosage can be wrong. To help avoid this you should always check the recommended dosage on the package. 

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Are There Serious Melatonin Side Effects?

So we explained some of the more minor side effects earlier which include irritation, a disruption of your sleep cycle, headaches, nausea or dizziness but what other more serious health issues should you be concerns about? Well fact is there have actually not been any reported cases of harmful toxicity, overdoses or any significant health risks other than it can a reverse effect on your sleeping patterns. Of course it's always best to speak to your health care professional if you are worried other medication interactions or proper melatonin dosage for you.

Who Should Take Melatonin Pills?

Basically anyone who has a hard time sleeping or sticking to a regular sleep schedule can benefits from Melatonin pills. If you travel a lot and suffer from jet leg or even shift work then it can help you. Because of how melatonin works in the body sleep becomes more inviting and it's easier to stay a sleep when you finally do.

As we age, like everything else in the body the production of melatonin is slowed down so older adults will typically have a harder time sleeping and with less sleep this can actually make us age faster because the body requires sleep to help regenerate cells and tissue. 

When Shouldn't Take Melatonin?

Studies show that melatonin pills may not work if you are suffering from issues like depression, anxiety and stress because these do not contribute to your body's natural ability to produce its own melatonin.  

Don't try double dosing! Taking a 1 mg melatonin pill earlier in the day and then taking another one in the evening can be too much and can the reverse affects to your sleep and it may keep you up throughout the night several times. Based on customer reviews, those that have overdosed on melatonin say they have experienced what's called a “melatonin hangover,” the next morning that made them feel even more unrested and drowsy. Typically this is caused by the residual melatonin that is still in the body when they wake up to start their day as the body thinks it’s still nighttime.

Where to buy Melatonin Pills in Canada

Well this is an easy question! They can be found just about anywhere that sell sells supplements like your nearest Rexall, Walmart, Health food store, Vitamin shops in Canada and even online. Typically the deals you can get online these days are much better that you can get buying locally.

The typical cost of melatonin pills is between $5 and $20 depending on the strength and amount in each bottle. One of the best places to buy any type of supplements online is from a company called Melatonin Canada visit their sites by clicking HERE. 

They offer deals like FREE shipping and buy 3 bottles for $4. How can you beat that? You can't!

Melatonin Canada has sourced only the best quality manufactures of Melatonin pills and we we help you determine what's best for you.

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